General Disclaimer

Bald Girls Do Lunch, Inc makes a concerted effort to present accurate, reliable information on our website. However, we work with a number of contributors and partners and cannot certify the information presented or guarantee its accuracy.

Reference within this website to any individual, organization, product or service is not meant to imply endorsement by Bald Girls Do Lunch, Inc. unless so specifically stated.

Bald Girls Do Lunch, Inc assumes no responsibility for consequences resulting from use of the information contained within the website’s pages or obtained at linked external sites.

User Agreement

Legal Status

Bald Girls Do Lunch, Inc. is a 501c(3) public charity recognized by the IRS. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. 

Terms of Use

By using this Bald Girls Do Lunch, Inc website you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions set forth in this User Agreement. Bald Girls Do Lunch, Inc. reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time without notice to you. You are advised to consult the most recent version of this Use Agreement each time you visit this website.

Disclaimer of Warranty

Bald Girls Do Lunch, Inc. provides users access to an extensive amount of resources through this website. Bald Girls Do Lunch, Inc makes no warranties of any kind regarding this website, including but not limited to any warranty of accuracy, completeness, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or that this website is free of viruses. Such warranties are expressly disclaimed.


Bald Girls Do Lunch, Inc., Bald Is In, Bald? So What! and other marks are registered trademarks and may not be used by third parties.


Bald Girls Do Lunch, Inc may provide links on its website to other websites which are not under the control of Bald Girls Do Lunch. Use acknowledges that information and opinions contained in this website or other websites that are linked from this website are not necessarily those of Bald Girls Do Lunch or endorsed by Bald Girls Do Lunch.

Limitation of Liability

User acknowledges and agrees that they shall hold Bald Girls Do Lunch and its officers, directors, employees and volunteers harmless from all claims arising out of or related to their use or inability to use the information provided on this website or other websites that are linked to this website.