Who would you be without your friends and family? They are most often your greatest allies, resources and cheerleaders.
But even the most well-meaning person can say the wrong thing after you’ve been diagnosed with alopecia areata.
Here are a few we commonly hear:
- “Do you have cancer?”
- “Are you sick?”
- “Is it life-threatening?”
First of all, the answer to all three questions is a resounding, “no.”
Second, you have questions so it’s only natural that they have questions, too. So, let’s answer a few of those questions for them.
Here are several blogs that you can send to friends and family members to help them understand your diagnosis, what you’re going through emotionally, and how they can be the support system you need.
- How to Help a Friend with Alopecia Areata Find Her True Beauty
- Tips From the Other Side: When Your Love Has Alopecia
- Tips for Women With Alopecia: Talking to Your Coworkers About Your Baldness
- An Alopecia Areata Story: Mother and Daughter Speak Out!
- Should I Tell About Alopecia Areata? A Friendship Built on Yes!
- Sisters Go Above and Beyond for a Woman with Alopecia